teisipäev, 10. veebruar 2015

Wordless Wednesday #9

                            Someone is never, ever allowed on the couch!
If i wont move even if they try to get me off, maybe they will think that i am a couch pillow!

12 kommentaari:

  1. Keep your eyes closed and they won't see you!

  2. You would make a soft couch pillow for sure! Let's just hope nobody sits on you!

  3. Someone is enjoying their siesta time - WOOF!

    Sending you three big woofs for a great day -- WOOF WOOF WOOF - www.piranhabanana.com

  4. Ha....Dogs make the rules! Sofas for all dogs!!

  5. You blend right in! Great job! I find it helpful to try tunneling under the blanket, too. Works every time! *wags* - Gilligan from WagsAhoy.com

  6. Thank You for comments! And could anyone explain this - dogs do not have sofas in nature. How are they so addicted to them?

  7. Hmmm, not allowed on the couch, eh? It seems that is not completely true. Happy WW

  8. You look so incredibly comfy - who would dare disturb you and ask you to move?

  9. LOL looks like you made up your own rule.

  10. Ah you have one of those motionless couch pillows as well...

  11. ssssshhhhhhh they'll never notice. They will be happy it's warm! LeeAnna at not afraid of color


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