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Having a good time |
Viimastel päevadel oleme mõnusalt aega veetnud ning õhtuti jalutamas käinud. Eilsel Halloweeniõhtul läksime ca 1,5 tunniks parki, koerteväljaku lähedale ning lobisesime veidi sõbrantsiga. Kiefer oli väga tubli. Ei huvitanud teda väga koerad ning ei nõudnud ta ka kiiret edasiliikumist.
Paaril õhtul olen saanud jalutama kaasa saanud kaubelda ka tuttava, kelle abil oleme saanud proovida poolsuletud alal "juurde" ning distantsilt "istu" käsku.
Paar esimest korda kuuletub Kiefer väga ilusti ning tuleb joooksuga juurde aga siis saab ikka võitu uudishimu nuuskida iga viimast kui sentimeetrit asfaldil.
Kaugusest "istu" ei ole just kõige parem. Ca kaks korda viiest istub ta korraks aga kui ma hakkan tema poole liikuma, tõuseb vopsti püsti.
Lisaks olen lihtsalt jälginud, millistel hetkedel Kiefer kaotab enesevalitsuse. Kui me kuskil seisame-harjutame või koerad on selgelt eraldatud alal, ei reageeri Kiefer nii hüsteeriliselt. Hüsteeria tekib pigem siis, kui keegi jalutab oma koeraga meile vastu. Selle kohta pean veidi rohkem märkmeid veel tegema, praegu on raske mustrit välja kirjutada.
Nüüd printisin omale välja "Relaxation Protocol" Karen Overalli poolt, mis samm-sammult õpetab koera rahulikumaks ning paigal püsivamaks. (Kiefer ja paigal?? :D)
PDF variandi leiab SIIT
Hoian kindlasti kursis, kuidas meil minema hakkab.
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These are Kiefer's paws :) |
Last few days we have been walking at evenings in the dark. Kiefer is quite good - at first he has so much extra-energy that he will rush from bush to another peepost.
In about 15-20 minutes he will become more calmer and listens to my cues. With our Gentle-Leader headcollar we do not have much pulling problems but if we see a dog, then he will get quite fast over his treshold.
We found a little closed area, where we can practice our recall and distance sit quite well. If we are there and he is in training-mode, seeing a dog going by, he is alot less reactive.
Most rective problems will appear if we walk down the street and dog comes towards us. Then nothing helps - he will bark and lunge and we need to make a fast U-turn.
Today i had a companion with me, who held Kiefer and i could rehearse recall. First 3-4 times he came really good - running and happy-go-lucky but then he got tired and sniffing-mode took over.
I am still wondering, what should i do if he does not come when called..Ignore? Ignorance is not also a good thing because then he thinks that everything is allowed.
But for start i still think that he is doing a good job. Yes, he is not adoringly watching me and wanting to obey but if he gets into training-mode for few minutes, he is very happy doing it.
Last night, it was Halloween time. Here in Estonia we dont celebrate it much.
So we do not have little kids running and trick-or-treating. We went out for walking and spent about 1,5 hrs in the park. I sat and chatted with my friend and Kiefer was so good being passive and hanging with us!
We sat near dog-park and few dogs were also in dog park. But we were about 15 m from fence and Kiefer was under his treshold. Yes, he looked sometimes towards dogs but the dogs did not pay attention to him and thats fine by Kiefer.
So yes, we have had good times lately and i can not wait when we can go to school again :)
Today i printed also dr Karen Overall's "Relaxation Protocol" from THIS PDFand we will get started soon!
Have a nice time!
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