teisipäev, 9. detsember 2014

Everyday life

Stuck... I'm just stuck...
 I have read the books, i have knowledge. We have great training school but i am stuck somewhere and i just can not do things right. Daily training is chaotic and minimal.
 And Kiefer is..oh i dont have right words...Outside there is prey drive more than food-drive. Of course some of the dogs make him flip.
 I know, i have managed quite good and Kiefer has overcome most of his fears but the lack (or maybe is still do main things wrong) of training stops us getting ahead.
 Maybe it is just christmas and holidays time. Daylight is minimum. Alot of work to do, kids to take care of. Hubby doesn't really understand why i need to spend so much time for Kiefer. I have stopped explaining.

 Today we will go to class to gain back some confidence.

Do You have this kind of times sometimes?

And many thanks  for 1000 hits on blog and 100 likes on FB :)

Look,these are 2 videos of Kiefer at the start of 2014. We have'nt quite gotten forward.

 And yes,in the bottom of my heart i would like to make some progress.
 Any simple tricks to teach or behaviours?

Video 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zoTwULF4-Ck
Video 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLHM1Cjemdg&list=UUspaBA3L-VN7_FLpJUC9gdQ
Video 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9k4sXzTqhI&index=8&list=UUspaBA3L-VN7_FLpJUC9gdQ

10 kommentaari:

  1. I'm sorry you're having a rough time right now! I completely understand! I've been through it with Phoenix and I can also relate to the husband part, too! We used to fight quite a bit about the dogs because he was upset that I spent so much time with them. Now that he's spending more time with them, he's realizing why I worked so much on training.

    I hope things go better for you soon!! ~hugs~

    1. Thanks for the kind words! I know i will cheer up soon! I realized that it is mostly my laziness so i hope i can fix myself before i teach Kiefer !
      Ahh and the husband part - he aint a dogperson. He likes good, obeying dogs but he doesnt like to spend time for training

  2. Aw i'm so sorry your having a rough time!

    I wish you the best of luck!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

    1. Thanks! A warm husky hug was what i needed! :)

  3. I think that sometimes we just hit a bad spell. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to just take a short break from it. I don't get much help from my husband either....I wish he would do some of the training, but I have to constantly ask him to!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

    1. Thank You for the advice. I think the problem is that i struggle alot but i don't do things correctly. I give up too easy. So i need to find the time to put a good daily plan on the paper and strictly follow it :) Best regards!

  4. Don't give up hope. It takes two years or more for big dogs to mature. It sounds like you are working in the right direction.

    1. Thank You! My dog's life was not good at the start. Because i did not know how to raise a dog. He is 3yr old now and we are trying our best. Yesterday i gathered myself and we made all right and i saw a sparkle in Kiefer's eyes, he was willing to work with me! :)

  5. I find training dogs during in between times makes it easier. So run through a few tricks while the microwave is going, do down stays while brushing your teeth, train new tricks during commercial breaks etc.


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